Young children using ICT in History

Rhona Dick

This article first appeared in MAPE Focus on History Spring 2000

Using ICT to support History teaching

We have to remember that ICT is not just about computers, it includes using tape recorders and video and digital cameras, these resources will prove invaluable in teaching and learning history at KS1.
Developing an awareness of chronology is fundamental. The areas of study recommend that we should move from the familiar present to the more remote past.
ICT can help children do this in an exciting way.
What information might we want to include, and how can we include it?

Digital scanners
Key Stage 1 Programme of Study: history

4a. Historical enquiry ñ sources of information photographs
5. Organisation and communication
Photographs: most families have photos going back a generation or two. Digitally scanning these images and saving them for later inclusion in an electronic publication is exciting for children and also protects the original.
Documentation: perhaps children would like to include copies of birth certificates or other documentation relating to their family history.
Sensitivity is important here; not everyone is willing to disclose details of family history.

Tape recorders
Key Stage 1 Programme of Study: history

1. Historical enquiry ñ adults talking about their own past.
Pupils could be encouraged to formulate questions, or subjects for adults to talk about.

Digital cameras
Key Stage 1 Programme of Study: history
4. Historical enquiry ñ artefacts
5. Organisation and communication
Many of us have some memento from our childhood, a favourite toy, book, or game. Use a digital camera to photograph these, then import the picture into a word processing package and include some text.

Word processing packages
Key Stage 1 Programme of Study: history
5. Organisation and communication
Aspects of their own or their parentsí lives can be reported using a word processing package. With help children can import relevant images.
Using all these aspects of ICT children can create a family book, or an electronic timeline. If you have access to a multimedia authoring program so much the better, you can make full use of the technology, perhaps importing sound clips from interviews or songs from the past. Some families may even have family videos.

How else can we make use of ICT?
You can make use of a variety of applications to look at various aspects of life past and present:

These are only a few suggestions that may help to stimulate your own ideas for teaching History to young children.