Matching CD-ROMs to NNS Objectives

Gill Parry

Most schools have some Maths Software on CD-ROM. This table aims to show teachers how they might be able to use this software to support children's learning. This table represents information about CD-ROMs that I am familiar with, it cannot hope it to include all those available. If you know of others that are particularly good please send details to Gill Parry ( or Rhona Dick ( and we will include the information here.

Teachers must bear in mind the advice contained within the NNS a Framework for teaching mathematics that:

"Most schools with pupils at Key Stages 1 & 2 don't have enough computers for all the children in the class to do the same activity simultaneously. But you or another adult can make good use of a single computer in the daily lesson by working with the whole class if the monitor's screen is large enough. An alternative is for you to work with part of the class..." Section 1 page 31

"A small group of pupils working together can also make effective use of one or two computers in the daily mathematics lesson, provided that the activity is consistent with the lesson's objectives, the activities of other groups and the overall number of activities. You need to intervene in the computer work from time to time to teach and develop the children's learning, and make sure that they are all participating." Section 1 page 31


"Individual use of computer programs is usually inappropriate in the daily lesson,... But programs which allow any pupil to practise number skills independently, or to investigate a mathematical problem with a partner, have a valuable part to play in breaks, after-school clubs, and at home." Section 1 page 32



Software & Supplier


Pre-counting skills - sorting and matching Primary Maths CD-ROM ONE - Sherston Software
Sorting and Matching, Matching Sets
Say and use the number names in order in familiar contexts. Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Buttons, Counting
123 CD - Sherston Software
all activities
Primary Maths CD-ROM ONE - Sherston Software
Introducing one to five, Ordering
Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects Millie's Maths House - Edmark
Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Buttons, Counting
123 CD - Sherston Software
all activities
Primary Maths CD-ROM ONE - Sherston Software
Introducing one to five, Introducing six to ten
Recognise numerals 1 to 9 Millie's Maths House - Edmark
Build a bug, Number machine
Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
123 CD - Sherston Software
all activities
Primary Maths CD-ROM ONE - Sherston Software
Introducing one to five, Introducing six to ten
Use language such as more or less, greater or smaller, heavier or lighter, to compare two numbers or quantities Millie's Maths House- Edmark
Little, Middle and Big
Tizzy's Toybox- Sherston Software
Buttons, Pencils
123 CD - Sherston Software
More or Less?
Primary Maths CD-ROM TWO - Sherston Software
Comparing Sets
In practical activities and discussion, begin to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Bluetops level 1 (addition only), Drippy Ducks level 1 (subtraction only)
Primary Maths CD-ROM TWO - Sherston Software
Addition, Continuing Addition
Find one more or less than a number from 1 to 10. Begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects, and subtraction to 'taking away'. The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Bluetops level 1 (addition only), Drippy Ducks level 1 (subtraction only)
Primary Maths CD-ROM TWO - Sherston Software
Addition, Continuing Addition
Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Caterpillar (matching patterns)
Millie's Maths House - Edmark
Bing and Bong
Use language such as circle, or bigger, to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. Millie's Maths House - Edmark
Mouse House
Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Primary Maths CD-ROM TWO - Sherston Software
Measure - Early vocabulary Primary Maths CD-ROM TWO - Sherston Software
Weight and length
Sequence familiar events in time, days of the week Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Picture Book
Numbertime - Logotron
Use everyday words to describe position Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Bucket and Spade
Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems Millie's Maths House - Edmark
Cookie factory

Year 1

Count reliably at least 20 objects The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Scruffy Growlers
The Beach Bunnies
Maths Blaster  - Davidson
Planet Countalonia level 1
Count on and back in ones from any small number, and in tens from and back to zero. The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Beach Bunnies level 2
Read, write and order numbers from 0 to at least 20 The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Scruffy Growlers
The Beach Bunnies
Understand and use the vocabulary of comparing and ordering these numbers The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Beach Bunnies
Maths Blaster - Davidson
Planet Toetall
Within the range 0 to 30, say the number that is 1 or 10 more or less than any given number. Maths Blaster - Davidson
Planet Toetall level 1
Understand the operation of addition and of subtraction (as 'take away' or 'difference') and use the related vocabulary. The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Blue Tops, Drippy Ducks, Esme Elephant
Maths Blaster - Davidson
Planet Toetall levels 2 and 3, Planet Countalonia levels 2 and 3, Grow Worms, Numberline
Know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a challenge (as appropriate)
Use mental strategies to solve simple problems using counting, addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, explaining methods and reasoning orally. The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Blue Tops level 3, Drippy Ducks level 3
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions 'Egypt' level 1
Compare two lengths, masses or capacities by direct comparison. Tizzy's Toybox - Sherston Software
Suggest suitable standard or uniform non-standard units of measuring equipment to estimate, then measure a length, mass or capacity.  
Sequence familiar events in time, days of the week, seasons, o'clock and half past, digital and analogue. Numbertime - Logotron
Use everyday language t describe features of familiar 3D and 2D shapes Maths Blaster - Davidson
Shape Circus

Year 2

Count, read and order whole numbers to at least 100, know what each digit represents, (including 0 as place holder) Number Works - Sherston Software
Order Recorder
Describe and extend simple number sequences (including odd/even numbers) The Number Train - Sherston Software
Fandango Frogs, Poppy Penguin
Number Works - Sherston Software
Pattern machine
Counting on or back in ones or tens from any two digit number Number Works - Sherston Software
Pattern Machine
Counting in twos The Number Train - Sherston Software
Fandango Frogs, Poppy Penguin
Understand that subtraction is the inverse of addition; state the subtraction corresponding to a given addition and vice versa Number Works - Sherston Software
The Reverser
Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10 The Number Train - Sherston Software
The Blue Tops level 3, Drippy Ducks level 3
Number Works - Sherston Software
The Number Cruncher
Complements - ATM
Use knowledge that addition can be done in any order to do mental calculations more efficiently. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions
Number Works - Sherston Software
The Number Cruncher addition or subtraction level 1
Understand the operation of multiplication as repeated addition or as describing an array. Number Works - Sherston Software
Multiplication mixer fixer
Know and use halving as the inverse of doubling.
Know by heart facts for the 2 and 10 multiplication tables.
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions
Number Works - Sherston Software
The Number Cruncher multiplication level 1
Estimate, measure and compare lengths, masses and capacities, using standard units; suggest suitable units and equipment for such measurements.  
Read a simple scale to the nearest labelled division, including using a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre  
Sequence familiar events in time, days of the week, seasons, o'clock and half past, digital and analogue Numbertime - Logotron
Maths Factory - Steps
Time - Zone 1
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a challenge
Use the mathematical names for common 2-D and 3-D shapes; sort shapes and describe some of their features. Maths Factory - Steps
Reflection - Zone 1 and 2
Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Shape Zone
Shape Snap
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Aztec level 1 and 2
Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement. Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Computer Zone
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Aztec, level 1 and 2
Programmable Toys - Valiant Technology, Swallow Systems
Choose and use appropriate operations and efficient calculation strategies to solve problems, explaining how the problem was solved. Number Works - Sherston Software
The Old Cash Till, The Broken Calculator, The Snack Attacker
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions Egypt levels 1 and 2
Recognise simple unitary fractions I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions Atlantis level 1
Collecting and interpreting information Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Data Zone - Traffic Survey

Year 3

Read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000; know what each digit represents. Maths Factory
Place Value - Zone 1
Number Works - Sherston Software
Order Recorder, Value Validator, level 2
Numbers - ATM
Count on or back in tens or hundreds from any two- or three-digit number.  
Recognise unit fractions such as ‡, 1/3, º, 1/5, 1/10 and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers. Number Works - Sherston Software
Fraction Contraption
Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Fraction Snap
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions, Atlantis level 1
Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20. Number Works - Sherston Software
Number Cruncher
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher addition or subtraction level 1
Complements - ATM
Add and subtract mentally a 'near multiple of 10' to or from a two digit number. Mental Maths Olympics - Sherston Software
Year 4
Know by heart facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher multiplication levels 1 and 2
Tables - ATM
Understand division and recognise that division is the inverse of multiplication Maths Factory - Steps
Functions Zone 1
Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Calculation Zone - Share out investigation
Use units of time and know the relationship between them (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year). Maths Factory - Steps
Time Zones 1 and 2
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Use appropriate units of measure I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Greece, levels 1 and 2
Understand and use £.p. notation Number Works - Sherston Software
Drinks Machine
Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Number Zone Robo Shop
Choose and use appropriate operations (including multiplication and dividion) to solve word problems, explaining methods and reasoning. Maths Factory - Steps
Weight - Zones 1 & 2
Number Works - Sherston Software
Old Cash Till
Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Number Zone - Bun Counter
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions Egypt level 2/3
Identify right angles I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Aztec level 2
Make a Challenge
Identify lines of symmetry in simple shapes and recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry Maths Factory - Steps
Reflection - Zone 1
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Solve a given problem by organising and interpreting numerical data in simple lists, tables and graphs Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Data Zone - Traffic Survey

Year 4

Use symbols correctly, including less than (<), greater than (>), equals (=) Maths Factory - Steps
Logic - Zone 1
Round any positive integer less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100 Maths Factory - Steps
Place Value - Zone 2
Recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole, and mixed numbers; recognise the equivalence of simple fractions I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions - Atlantis Levels 1 - 4
Take a Challenge, The Transformer, level 3 and 4, Make a Challenge
Maths Explorer III - Granada Learning
The Tavern
Use known number facts and place value to add or subtract mentally, including any pair of two-digit whole numbers. Number Works - Sherston Software
Adder Upper level 3
Mental Maths Olympics - Sherston Software
Year 4
Carry out column addition and subtraction of two integers less than 1000, and column addition of more than two such integers. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher addition and subtraction levels 3 & 4
Know by heart facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 multiplication tables. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher multiplication levels 2 & 3
Mental Maths Olympics - Sherston Software
Year 4
Derive quickly division facts corresponding to the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 multiplication tables. Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Calculation Zone - Share Out Investigation
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher division levels 2, 3, and 4
Make a Challenge
Mental Maths Olympics - Sherston Software
Year 4
Find Remainders after division Number Works - Sherston Software
Divider Decider
Enriching Number - SMILE
Maximum Remainder
Know and use the relationships between familiar units of length, mass and capacity Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Measurement Zone - Read the Scale
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Greece levels 2 & 3
Make a Challenge
Classify polygons, using criteria such as number of right angles, whether or not the are regular, properties of symmetry. Maths Factory- Steps
Logic - Zone 1
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Aztec Level 2 and 3
Choose and use appropriate number operations and ways of calculating (mental, mental with jottings, pencil and paper) to solve problems. Maths Factory - Steps
Weight - Zones 2 and 3
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions - Egypt Level 3
Make a Challenge
Mental Maths Olympics - Sherston Software
Year 4
Position, direction and movement Crystal Rain Forest - Sherston Software
Programmable toys - Valiant Technology, Swallow Systems
Logo - Various

Year 5

Multiply and divide a positive integer up to 10000 by 10 or 100 and understand the effect I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Overhead and hand held calculators - Casio, Texas Instruments
Order a given set of positive and negative integers Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Calculation Zone - Stepping Stones
Maths Explorer III
Parrot Trees
Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths Overhead and hand held calculators - Casio, Texas Instruments
Round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest integer  
Relate fractions to division and to their decimal representations I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge, Dangerous Decimals levels 3 & 4
The Transformer
Enriching Number - SMILE
Equivalent Pairs
Overhead and hand held calculators - Casio, Texas Instruments
Calculate mentally a difference such as 8006 - 2993 I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher addition and subtraction levels 3 & 4
Know by heart all multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher multiplication level 4
Make a Challenge
Carry out short multiplication and division of a three-digit by a single-digit integer  
Carry out long multiplication of a two-digit by a two-digit integer  
Understand area measured in square centimetres (cm2 ) ; understand and use the formula in words 'length x breadth' for the area of a rectangle. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge, All about Area
Recognise parallel and perpendicular lines and properties of rectangles I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Aztec levels 3 and 4, Make a Challenge
Use all four operations to solve simple word problems involving numbers and quantities, including time, explaining methods and reasoning I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions - Egypt level 3 & 4
Greece level 3 or 4
Position, direction & movement Crystal Rain Forest - Sherston Software
Logo - Various
Programmable toys - Valiant Technology, Swallow Systems

Year 6

Multiply and divide decimals mentally by 10 or 100 and integers by 1000 and explain the effect. I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Order a mixed set of numbers with up to three decimal places  
Reduce a fraction to its simplest terms by cancelling common factors I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Use a fraction as an operator to find fractions of numbers or quantities (e.g. 5/8 of 32, 7/10 of 40, 9/10 of 400cm Enriching Number - SMILE
Make that Number
Understand percentage as the number of parts in every 100 and find simple percentages of small whole number quantities Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Calculation Zone - Percentage Point Investigation
Enriching Number - SMILE
Make that Number
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher - percentage levels 3 & 4,
Take a Challenge, percentage Pandemonium, Make a Challenge
Solve simple problems involving ratio and proportion  
Carry out column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher - decimals levels 3 & 4
Derive quickly division facts corresponding to multiplication tables up to 10 x 10 I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Number Cruncher - division levels 3 & 4
Carry out short multiplication and division of numbers involving decimals  
Carry out long multiplication of a three-digit by a two-digit integer  
Use a protractor to measure acute and obtuse angles to the nearest degree I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Angle - NNS CD-ROM
Position, direction and movement Crystal Rain Forest - Sherston Software
Logo - Various
Programmable toys - Valiant Technology, Swallow Systems
Calculate the perimeter and area of simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangles I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Make a Challenge
Read and plot co-ordinates in all four quadrants Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Computer Zone - Picture Puzzle
Identify and use the appropriate operations (including combinations of operations) to solve word problems involving numbers and quantities, and explain methods and reasoning. Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Computer Zone - Number Cruncher
I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Numbers and Fractions - Egypt - Level 4
Greece Level 4
Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables, graphs and charts Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Data Zone Traffic Survey
Shape vocabulary and the properties of shapes including translation I Love Maths - Dorling Kindersley
Aztec - Level 4
Rotational symmetry Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
The Shape Zone - Symmetry Virus
Calculating arithmetic mean Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Data Zone - Mr Average
Overhead and hand held calculators - Casio and Texas Instruments
Simple probability Maths Explorer - YITM (Granada Learning)
Data Zone - Take a Chance