Music Activity Sheet 4

Title: LET'S GO ON A JOURNEY (4): Writing a long story or song

Activity: This involves writing a longer story using different songs linked together by the common theme.

Computer program used as a composition tool
Tape recorder used for accompaniment
Classroom instruments used for accompaniment

What to do: In this activity we extend the simple story to a sequence of stories and songs.
The pupils will be drawing on the experience gained in the previous examples of using the composition program; adding percussion parts to songs and recording using a tape recorder.

Split the class into groups, one for each stage in the 'journey'.

Each group then needs to experiment with the composition program to find tunes and phrases that suit their part of the story.

If you are using the Compose program then each group will be listening to the different tune files to find a file that suits their part of the story. For example, the group working on the muddy part of the journey might use the 'Compose3' tune file.

Squelching through the sticky mud 

doing this is very hard


Squelching through the sticky mud 

doing this is very hard

Squelching through the sticky mud 

we are getting very tired

It can take valuable computer time to work on both the music and the words and so it may be helpful to record the tune on tape so that the group can work on the song away from the computer.

When they have finished the words for the song, add some accompaniment using the ideas from earlier activities. Both the recordings of sounds and the classroom instruments can be used here.