Ideas for Integrating ICT into the Primary and Secondary Classroom

Lewisham Education and Community Services
Price £4.00

Review by Heather Govier

This book of materials has been developed by teachers in response to specific needs, identified by teachers themselves. The teachers wanted ideas for:

The book contains 24 distinct activities, each of which is clearly and attractively presented in full colour on a double page spread. The wide ranging nature of these activities (they cover Reception up to Year 9) means that the book is likely to be of particular interest as a source book for ICT coordinators who are developing schemes of work for their schools. Subjects covered are the use of floor turtles and screen logo, datalogging, databases, multimedia authoring, email, creating web pages and using the Internet for research. All the activities make use of generic software and should thus be accessible by any school (two of them use Microworlds 'Geoboards' - logo based activities which can be downloaded free of charge from the LCSI website

Copious illustration makes the book very 'browsable' and the page layout makes it easy to understand each activity at a glance with headings such as: Context (Pupils' prior experience); Task Description; Learning Intentions; Teaching Approach; Links with other curriculum areas; and Form of Assessment.

Examples of pupils' work and teacher evaluations are shown and I particularly like the teachers' assessment (with reasons) of the levels of attainment shown by pupils in some of the activities. This should be helpful for whole school training sessions on leveling.

At the back of the book are a number of proformas for activity planning, assessment and evaluation. There are also some Computer Diaries for children to complete (a separate one for KS1, 2 and 3). All of these materials can be freely copied for school use and are also available in electronic form from the Lewisham ICT Centre website:

This is a useful and attractive resource book. Congratulations to the team of classroom teachers, ICT coordinators and advisory teachers who produced it.