These are the original BASIC ROMs as supplied with the UK101.


Premier Publications BASIC ROMs

These ROMs were introduced to correct bugs in the original BASIC ROMs and to provide extra functionality and structured programming constructs.

BASIC 1-4 A collection of images of the original BASIC ROMs for the UK101.

ROM image.

BASIC 4 This is an upgrade to the original BASIC 4 ROM produced by Premier Publications. It will automatically start BASIC 5 if it is fitted.

ROM image.

BASIC 5 This is the BASIC 5 ROM produced by Premier Publications. BASIC 5 added some simple extensions to the original BASIC.

ROM image.

BASIC X This is the BASIC X ROM produced by Premier Publications. BASIC X added structured programming constructs to UK101 BASIC, printer and sound generator control..

ROM image.

16K EPROM The 16K EPROM image for the UK101 memory upgrade. The image includes the original BASIC ROMs, BASIC 5 and BASIC X. This has been tested as working although not every BASIC 5 and BASIC X command have been tested.

ROM image.

Whilst experimenting with various ROM images it was discovered that the Premier Publications ROM images for their corrected ROMs 1 - 3 caused instability and frequent crashes. This ROM image therefore uses the original BASIC ROMs, the revised BASIC 4, BASIC 5 and BASIC X.

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