October 1981 | 34 | Programming Languages | FORTH | An overview of programming in FORTH. |
January 1982 | 045 | Goig Forth | FORTH | The start of a series about programming in FORTH. |
February 1982 | 61 | Going FORTH | FORTH | Part two of the series on using FORTH. Comparative testing. |
March 1982 | 048 | Going FORTH | FORTH | Using conditional loops in FORTH. |
April 1982 | 91 | Going Forth | FORTH | Writing the Towers of Hanoi game in FORTH. The last in the series. |
October 1982 | 26 | Atom FORTH | FORTH | A review of the Atom FORTH programming language. |
May 1983 | 45 | Going FORTH | FORTH | A depper look into FORTH on the Jupiter Ace; random numbers. |
53 | FORTH Comes Home | FORTH | A review of the Jupiter Ace. | |
July 1983 | 37 | Going FORTH Again | FORTH | A review of current versions of FORTH. |
November 1983 | 68 | Learning FORTH | FORTH | Part 1 of a teaching series on programming in FORTH on the ZX Spectrum. |
84 | Floating Point Dictionary | FORTH | A dictionary for the Jupiter Ace computer written in FORTH. This allows floating point calculations to be carried out. | |
December 1983 | 53 | Learning FORTH Part 2 | FORTH | An introduction to FORTH variables. |
January 1984 | 66 | Learning FORTH Part 3 | FORTH | Part 3 of a series explaining how to program in FORTH. |
February 1984 | 37 | Learning Forth | FORTH | Part 4 in the teach yourself programming series on FORTH. |
56 | ZX81-FORTH | FORTH | A review of the ZX81 multi-tasking FORTH ROM from David Husband. | |
March 1984 | 48 | Learning FORTH Part 5 | FORTH | Part 5 of a series explaining how to program in FORTH. A look at input and output. |
April 1984 | 31 | Learning FORTH Part 5 | FORTH | Part 6 of a series explaining how to program in FORTH. Extending the compiler and using machine code. |
June 1984 | 57 | Faster FORTH | FORTH | How to get the Acculab floppy tape drive and MMS FORTH for the TRS-80 to work together. |
July 1984 | 67 | Learning FORTH | FORTH | Part 7 in the series on learning to program in FORTH. |
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