7 contents Newsletter: Spring 2000

Have you seen . . . the Tea Council's website?

It includes some excellent educational material developed by teachers. At the moment there are English, Maths and Science activities for KS2 children based on the theme of Healthy Living. Visitors are guided round the site by Char Lee and Rosie Lee, two space-suited children. The Science section gives lots of information and statistics about human organs and their functions In addition there is an interactive game, the Organisation Game, in which children have to replace the body's internal organs correctly. A strict system of marking means that it is very difficult to achieve 100%! Accompanied by suitably 'gloopy' sound effects this game is sure to be a winner with the children. English activities include an invitation to create a poster for the Tea Party, a political organisation, or to write either a party political broadcast, or a mailshot for the same party.

Some things to think about:

Soon Char and Rosie Lee will be asking you to send them your poster for a chance to WIN some great prizes. . . . Tune in when you get back to school for all the details! Maths activities focus on data handling, and include a Carroll diagram, and surveys on when adults (and children) drink tea. Children are asked to submit their findings, and the displayed data will then be updated. Most of the sections have activities differentiated for lower and upper KS2 pupils. There are appropriate teachers' notes, and icons indicate whether the activity is interactive, or is suitable for use as a homework activity. Immediate plans for development include a module on the Environment, to be published later in the year. The site has NGfL approval and is well worth a visit.

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