Guidelines for submitting articles to
MAPE Publications
Submitting articles
- We welcome articles related to any aspect of ICT in the primary curriculum.
Case studies demonstrating good practice are particularly welcome.
- There is no specific rule about the length of articles. Two or three
thousand words is especially suitable although longer articles will be
considered. Shorter items are always welcome.
- Articles should be word processed and submitted either by email or sent by
post, in which case please enclose both a print out and a disk copy saved in
rich text format (.rtf).
- If the item is a mass of material rather than one article, please do not
send it with a note to the effect that "there's an article here",
please sort out the material into a coherent whole and then send it.
We will consider ëghost writingí articles if requested.
- Please include the author's name, some indication of their current post, and
details about where they work as well as an email address. From an editorial
point of view the editor also need a full postal address and a phone number
(not for publication), so that s/he can contact them.
- Photographs add greatly to the overall appearance of the page. If you send
photographs of children please ensure that the childrenís parents/guardians
have given written permission. A photocopy of the permission should be
submitted with the article.
Digital photographs should be of high quality. Scanned images should be high
resolution, saved as .jpeg or .gif.
Original photographs will be returned.
- Please do not send photocopies of children's original illustrations they do
not reproduce well enough. Pencil and crayon drawings and/or writings are also
unsatisfactory, go over pencil work with a fine black felt tip.
If the illustration is a printout, please print it out with a very black
Electronic versions of childrenís work are welcome, please submit them in
one of the above formats if possible.
- If the article is accompanied by illustrations please number the
illustrations and indicate in the text where each illustration should be
placed. Suggestions for captions are always welcome.
- If the article makes reference to a piece of software or hardware please
include the following details in a footnote: who makes/publishes it, their
full address and phone number, the cost, for which platform is suitable.
- If the article makes reference to a book or article please include the page
number, the author, the publisher's name and address, the year of publication.
- If you refer to a web page please give the URL.
- Please make sure that there is no copyright issue in relation to material
you submit to MAPE. Please do not submit the article to another
publication at the same time as it is submitted to MAPE; although we do
not pay for contributions, we still like to have exclusive rights! If you have
submitted it elsewhere please tell us.
- Please note that articles that appear in MAPE publications may be freely
copied for educational purposes and may later be published on the MAPE
website. If you do not wish your article to appear on the website please
include a note to this effect when you submit your article.
Permission to publish photographs
I .............................................................................,
Parent/Guardian of
of............................................................................ School
*give permission for this photograph of my child to illustrate an article
that will appear in a MAPE publication. I understand that my child will not be
identified by name.
*give permission for this photograph of my child to illustrate an article
that may, at a later date, appear on the MAPE website. I understand that my
child will not be identified by name.
*Please delete as appropriate.