Supporting Effective Use of ICT in Primary Education
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Web Links

The World Wide Web is now so vast that it would be a never-ending task to attempt to produce a definitive list of websites useful in education. The links shown here, therefore, are no more than a sample. At the same time, the sheer vastness of the web increases the value of website lists such as these.

If you know of any sites which you think should be added to this list, please let us know.

This MAPE guide lists firstly those links which are important or extremely useful, and secondly a highly selective sample of potentially useful links to other Web sites, and thirdly, there are some links to less well-known sites that MAPE members have found and recommended.

Helpful hint
Many people, including experienced web users, find themselves getting completely lost with no way of getting back to where they were. Do make use of your browser's facility to open a link in a new window. This allows you to step into new territory whilst keeping one foot firmly placed on your starting point.
(For your convenience, the links in this section automatically open new windows.)

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