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A collection of educational and computer related utilities that do not
fit elsewhere. Please scroll down the page for new additions.
Gotek Blank Images The download contains 80 blank formatted images for use with a Gotek Floppy Drive emulator on a BBC micro. These include 40T and 80T single sided images (SSD), 80T double-sided images (DSD) and 640K ADFS images (ADL). Once used the images can be easily renamed using a personal computer. |
DirCopy 2.68 DirCopy version 2.68 is modified to work with ADFS hard discs on BBC model B, B+ or Master computers. In these computers the floppy disks map to drives 4 and 5 and the hard disks are drives 0 - 3. |
Sweet Talker Speech Programs The system disc and some demonstration programs for the BBC micro Sweet Talker speech add-on. |
Opus Disc Utilities A copy of the Opus Disc Utilities which came with their disc drives. Includes a disc formatter amongst others.
Viglen Disc Utilities A copy of the Viglen Disc Utilities which came with their disc drives. Includes a disc formatter amongst others. |
TTNS system disk The Times Network System was an electronic communications system for schools using a MODEM connected to the BBC micro. |
MACE Mail An Econet-based email system |
Locksmith Disc Copier |
Watford Diagnostics A collection of programs designed to test the various components of the BBC Microcomputer. Can help to trace a number of faults. |
Acorn BBC Test Disc
A collection of programs designed to test the various components of the BBC Microcomputer. Can help to trace a number of faults. |
Print A utility to print text files from disc in the background. Documentation |
ADE Demonstration Disc A disk-based demonstration of the facilities provided by the ADE ROM from System Software. |
EPROMmer 2 Disc The software needed to operate the EPROMmer 2 programmer from Technomatic. |
Alcopy An amateur disc reader, formatter, verifier, copier. |
Cyclone V3.1 A disc cloner for 40T and 80T floppy discs. It needs an 8271 disc interface. |
Disc Copiers A selection of disc cloning software including Vector 2, Twin 2 and Ripoff 9. |
Clares Replica III The disc copying utility from Clares. |
Disc Debug & CopyAll Two programs to aid backing up floppy discs. Initially written by Basil Bloom. |
Key Aid Source code assembler files for Key Aid, a ROM-based function key utility for the BBC micro. Written by D N Baron. |
AMX TransfoLink A utility from AMX to allow files to be transferred via the serial port. Probably intended for BBC to PC. |
DOS Disc Reader A utility from BAKsoft which allows a BBC microcomputer to read PC format discs and transfer files between the two. |
PRESTEL Utilities A disc of utilities downloaded from PRESTEL. The disc contains an information file. To fully use the disc a MODEM is needed. |
Z88 to BBC transfer The serial transfer program to copy programs to and from a BBC micro. As well as the disc a Z88-BBC serial cable is also needed. |
BBC Micro fitness tester
A program to test the various components of the BBC micro. |
Disc Imagers
A collection of disc copying programs and disc cloners on a double-sided 80T disc. |
NERIS File Extractor Software to extract files from NERIS downloads. |
RAMROM 15 Utilities
Software for the RAMROM expansion board for the BBC micro. |
Solo Disc Cloner A Utility from Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council IT Team |
A collection of 16 images of utility program discs. These cover a great many aspects of BBC micro use. |
Various Diagnostic programs A collection of various diagnostic programs for the BBC. |
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