1 contents Newsletter: Summer 2000

MAPE Newsletter

Summer Term 2000
Newman College with MAPE


Educating for the 3rd millennium

A conference at Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education 13-16 July 2000 This promises to be a very exciting conference; among the keynote speakers will be Prof. Tim Brighouse and Gabriel Goldstein. There will be ample opportunity to meet and discuss current issues with other primary colleagues, as well as to attend workshops and presentations addressing such aspects of primary practice as management, inclusion, learning environments and classroom case studies. There will also be a major exhibition giving everyone a chance to find out what's available. Of particular interest to MAPE members will be a presentation by Martin Ford on Sir Henry Unton. It was Martin who first suggested to us that Sir Henry Unton would be an interesting subject for a History Focus, and he kindly made his extensive resources available to us when the material for the CD was in preparation. What conference would be complete without a MAPE Barn Dance? This will be held on the Friday evening, and on Saturday the after dinner speaker is Gervaise Phinn. There is a day delegate rate of £24 available to those unable to attend the whole conference. For further information see www.itnetwork.org.uk/conf2k.htm.

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