2 contents Newsletter: Summer 2000

2001 ICT in Practice Awards

Next January at the BETT show the first BECTa TES awards sponsored by BT will be presented by Lord David Puttnam. The awards, covering England, Scotland. Wales and Northern Ireland, are to promote and reward exemplary ICT practice amongst teachers, lecturers, trainers and advisors. A second aim is to discover practice that can be widely emulated.

Each award winner will receive £2500, with an additional £2500 going to their school or organisation. They will also agree to their work being widely publicised. The practice can take the form of doing traditional things in new and better ways or of expanding the boundaries of what is possible.

The awards will reward practice that is replicable, that will say to teachers, "you too can do this".

These are the categories:

The judges will look for candidates who have:

Candidates for the awards have to nominated. process is explained on the BECTa site which open for nominations now. The closing date is July 2000. Short-listing will take place immediately after that and short-listed candidates will visited by the judges during the autumn term.


Any queries should be sent to: practiceawards@becta.org.uk

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