January 1980 | 69 | Quick Keyboard | Owen Bishop | A constructional article to provide a keyboard for the MK 14. |
February 1980 | 43 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | Part 1 of a series of hardware projects. Interfacing input/output to a microcomputer. |
March 1980 | 66 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | How to add a light-sensitive input to a microcomputer. |
May 1980 | 38 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A constructional article to provide a triggered input to the MK14 when sound is present. |
July 1980 | 47 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | Adding an electronic thermometer to the MK14 and the machine code driver routine. |
August 1980 | 36 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A constructional article to add a DAC and amplifier to the Acorn System 1 along with driver programs. |
September 1980 | 48 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | Part 2 of a constructional article to add a DAC and amplifier to the Acorn System 1 along with driver programs. |
October 1980 | 53 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A look at interrupts on a MK14 using the TGS1 gas detector. |
December 1980 | 68 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A constructional article to build a light pen for the MK14. |
January 1981 | 74 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A hardware project to put the cassette recorder motor under program control. |
February 1981 | 20 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A constructional article for a simple alarm clock which can be attached to any computer with a suitable port.Includes connection details for the Sinclair MK-14 and the Acorn System 1 along with demonstartion machine code programs. |
August 1981 | 53 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A sound effects add-on based on the SN76477N IC. |
November 1981 | 25 | Microlink | Owen Bishop | A hardware device and simple driver programs to provide a source of random numbers for a range of microcomputers. |
March 1982 | 023 | The Argus | Owen Bishop | A project to build a flexible security system based on the Acorn System 1 computer. |
May 1982 | 29 | The Argus | Owen Bishop | The second part of the construction and programming of a security system based on the Acorn System 1. |
June 1982 | 67 | Simulating FORTH | Owen Bishop | A FORTH emulator for the TRS-80 computer, written in BASIC. |
May 1983 | 53 | FORTH Comes Home | Owen Bishop | A review of the Jupiter Ace. |
June 1983 | 69 | Indexer | Owen Bishop | Using a computer to make alphabetical lists for various applications. Written in BASIC for the TRS-80. |
April 1984 | 19 | MTX Magic | Owen Bishop | A review of the Memotech MTX-500. |
October 1984 | 17 | The Amstrad Storms in | Owen & Audrey Bishop | A review of the Amstrad CPC-464 computer system. |
August 1985 | 29 | The Maltron Keyboard | Owen and Audrey Bishop | A review of the Maltron Keyboard. |
October 1985 | 36 | War Games and Computers | Owen and Audrey Bishop | The first of a series of articles about war gaming on computers. |
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