This is a collection of books, pamphlets, magazines, catalogues and other documents from the 1980s and 1990s all grouped under the special educational needs umbrella. Most relate to Acorn computer systems.


A-Z of Special Needs for Acorn Computers

A product guide from 1992 for software and hardware, for the Acorn series of computers, designed for supporting students with Special Needs. A joint publication by Northwest SEMERC and Northern ACE Centre

Microcomputers in Education

A selection of introductory articles about introducing microcomputers into education written in 1979 and published by CET.


A CET guide to the selection of microcomputers for education dating to 1980.

SEN Core Library

A core library of software for FE students with moderate learning difficulties issued by CET in January 1987.

Ten Accounts of Using Micros with SEN Children

Compiled by Bristol SEMERC and dating from 1988, this document describes ten different uses of software on the BBC microcomputer with children with SEN.

The Top Thirty

A survival kit of the programs most often used by SEN/IT coordinators. The booklet was released by Manchester SEMERC in the late 1980s.

Special Needs IT (SNIT) June 1993

A complimentary copy of SNIT sent to all primary and special schools from Northwest SEMERC in 1993.

The Acorn Companion

A reference book aimed at teachers and other novice RISCOS users. Covers all Acorn RISCOS computers from A300 to A5000 and A4.


Primary Contact

Primary Contact was published by the Didsbury School of Education, part of Manchester Polytechnic. This special issue number 3 contains a wealth of material about using coputers in primary education and covers LOGO, PROLOG, word processing, adventure gaming and control technology.

Special Update June 1992

The June 1992 edition of NCET's Special Update, featuring news and views from teachers of Special Needs.


Choosing and Using Portable Computers

An NCET booklet from 1994 looking at the issues surrounding the use of portable computers in education.

Sounding Out

An NCET booklet from 1994, describing how sound and speech can assist students with SEN.

Differentiation Advert

An NCET advertisement from 1994 for the handbook - "Differentiation: a practical handbook of classroom strategies".

IT and Lifelong Learning

An NCET booklet from 1996, describing how IT can assist students with SEN access lifelong learning.

The Effects of IT on Students' Motivation

An NCET summary report from 1997 on The Effects of Information Technology on Students' Motivation, written by Margaret Cox from the School of Education at King's College London.

Access to Community Education (ACE)

A collection of training materials produced by the Oldham ACE/ACCESS centre in 1993 for teachers of SEN students.

The materials are collected in a single zip file for download.

RCEVH Software Catalogue June 1994

The catalogue of software from the Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped, based at Birmingham University School of Education.

Differentiation: Your Responsibility

An in-service training pack to be used for staff development. The pack includes OHP masters and related handouts.

Technology and Learning

A report on the Helios II conference held in Høje Taastrup near Copenhagen in 1995. The conference considered school integration of SEN students, new technologies, open and distance learning and teacher training.

This was a tri-lingual report, written in Danish English and French.

Dansk version
Version Française

Supportive Writing Technology

A book published by the CALL Centre at the University of Edinburgh. This looks at the technology and techniques used to provide students with a means of compensating for some of the difficulties they have during the writing process.

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