November 1978 09 Beginning BASIC BASIC The first of a series of articles about learning BASIC. This article deals with the use of algorithms and flowcharts.
  23 TRITON software - BASIC BASIC An overview of the dialect of BASIC found on the ETI TRITON microcomputer.
December 1978 10 Beginning BASIC BASIC Descriptions of some of the commonly used BASIC statements. Part 2 of the series.
  31 Missile BASIC A small, 1K, BASIC program for the game 'Missile Command'. Written for the ETI TRITON microcomputer.
January 1979 17 Reversal BASIC A re-arrange a random set of the digits 1 - 9 into numeric order by reversing any number of digits from the left. Try to take the minimum number of moves.
  27 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 3 of the series on learning BASIC looks at conditional branching.
March 1979 25 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 4 of the series of articles about learning BASIC.
  42 Card Sharp BASIC An implementation of the card game Pelmanism written in generic BASIC.
  67 Stomper BASIC A game in which one chases an insect around the screen to kill it.
  68 Geography Test Program BASIC A simple test on the names of capital cities of various countries.
April 1979 25 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 5 of the series about learning to program in BASIC
  54 Ambush BASIC A test-based shooting game.
May 1979 35 Mastermind BASIC A version of the Mastermind board game written in Tiny BASIC. Suitable for any machine.
  35 Reversal BASIC Reverse digits to put a set of random digits 1 - 9 back into numeric order.
  35 Confuse A Cat BASIC An update of the program of the same name in the TRITON manual.
  37 Rendezvous BASIC A game in which one has to rendezvous a space craft with the mothership.
  38 Double Dice BASIC A program to draw the results of two dice being thrown.
  40 TRITON programs BASIC A suite of five short BASIC programs written for the TRITON.
  41 Submarine Game BASIC A game in which an unseen submarine is hunted by your destroyer.
  42 Hex-Bug BASIC A program for examining a computer's memory and outputting the contents as Hex numbers.
  43 Tolinka BASIC A chess game recorder.
  62 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 6 of the series. A run through of the development of the game Nim on a microcomputer running BASIC.
June 1979 34 Minefield Game BASIC A PET BASIC game to save two people trapped in a minefield.
  45 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 7 of the learning BASIC series continues with a discussion of the NIM game presented last month.
July 1979 49 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 8 of the series looks at extended BASIC.
  60 BASIC Football Game BASIC A football game written in standard BASIC.
August 1979 22 Grave Work for PET BASIC A look at how the PET microcomputer can be used in relation to genealogy.
  60 Calendar BASIC A program for the TRITON to print out monthly calendars up to the end of 1999.
  68 Mini Ledger BASIC A program to handle a mini sales ledger for a small business.
September 1979 13 Maths Quiz BASIC A simple mental arithmetic maths quiz written in standard BASIC.
  13 Worm Race BASIC A game written in standard BASIC in which three worms wriggle across the screen. Bet on which one wins.
  13 Double Die BASIC A short standard BASIC program to simulate the throw of two dice.
  13 Golf Game BASIC A short standard BASIC program to display the trajectory of a golf ball.
  13 Heads Tails or Draw BASIC A coin tossing game written in standard BASIC.
  14 TRITON BASIC BASIC A review of the TRITON v5.1 BASIC interpreter.
  48 Hangman BASIC A version of the Hangman game written in PET BASIC.
  56 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 9 of the series on learning BASIC looks at string handling.
  68 Brands BASIC A text based racing game simulation written in standard BASIC.
October 1979 12 Problem Page BASIC Problems to be solved using BASIC.
  20 TRITON Accounts BASIC A simple double entry book keeping program witten in TRITON BASIC for small businesses.
  54 Star Trek BASIC A version of the Star Trek game written in Tiny BASIC.
  69 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 10 of the series continues looking at extended BASIC features.
November 1979 36 Battleships BASIC A BASIC version of the game Battleships written for the RM 380Z.
  56 Problem Page BASIC Problems to be solved using BASIC.
  69 Beginning BASIC BASIC Part 11 of the BASIC programming series looks at binary searches.
December 1979 35 Stock Control BASIC A small business application for the TRS-80 to handle stock control.
  54 Problem Page BASIC Problems to be solved using BASIC.
January 1980 10 Problem Page BASIC The Knight's Tour. Problems to be solved using BASIC.
  14 Labyrinth BASIC A 3D maze game written in Tiny BASIC for the TRITON.
  32 Calendar Calculator BASIC A BASIC program to print out a year planner. Written for the EduSystem 50.
  36 Beginning BASIC BASIC The final part of the learning BASIC series. A final look at flowcharts and algorithms.
  62 Pontoon BASIC An implementation of the game Pontoon written in BASIC.
February 1980 12 Problem Page BASIC Problems to be solved using BASIC. Solution to the Knight's Tour.
  36 Safebreak Game BASIC A standard BASIC game in which you have to guess the computer's number code.
  37 REM for Trekkies BASIC Modifications for the October 1979 Star Trek program.
  38 From NY to LA BASIC A standard BASIC program to calculate the shortest distance between two places on Earth.
  61 A Reflex Tester BASIC A game in BASIC that tests one's reflexes.
March 1980 22 Problem Page BASIC The solution to the format problem from last month.
  28 Outtie Invasion BASIC A space shootin game. Destroy the Aliens before they destroy you.
  33 Moonbase Alert BASIC A game in which you must shoot down the invading spaceships.
  48 Gas costs BASIC A BASIC program to calculate household gas consumption and costs written for the TRS-80.
  51 Home Finance BASIC A BASIC program which keeps track of a household budget written for the 8K PET.
  71 Lingo.Bas BASIC A standard BASIC program to aid learning of a foreign language.
April 1980 26 Library Building BASIC A discussion about building a BASIC programming library of routines and suggested ways of doing this.
  31 HP85 Brief BASIC A preview of the Hewlett Packard HP85 microcomputer.
  38 BASIC Pontoon BASIC A standard BASIC version of the card game, Pontoon.
  39 Pinball BASIC An implementation of the game Pinball on an 8K PET written in BASIC.
  40 Variable Saver BASIC A method of saving BASAIC program variables for the TRS-80.
  41 Number Game BASIC A game in which you have to type in a sequence of digits displayed on the screen for a short time. Written in TRITON BASIC 5.
  43 Spaceship BASIC A space dogfight game written in BASIC for the PET.
  47 Blck Box BASIC An implementation of the game Black Box written in BASIC for the Ohio Superboard or UK101.
  52 Problem Page BASIC Solutions to last month's problem. This month the problem is hunt the prime number.
May 1980 10 Computa-Pattern BASIC A BASIC program to draw patterns on the screen written for the TRS-80.
  18 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems with BASIC.
  32 Motoring Finance BASIC A PET BASIC program to handle car ownership finances, running costs etc.
June 1980 13 Shop Steward BASIC A simulation of trades union activity written in BASIC for the Apple II.
  55 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems with BASIC.
  68 Kirk vs the Cursor BASIC A version of the Space Attack game programmed in PET BASIC.
July 1980 12 Mailing List BASIC A BASIC program for the TRS-80 Level 2 which builds an address book and prints mailing labels from it.
  24 Battle of Britain BASIC A text-based simulation of the Battle of Britain written in standard BASIC.
  30 Hex Routines BASIC Some short BASIC routines to handle memory and machine code on the TRS-80.
  32 Softspot BASIC A Domestic Fuel Cost program written in BASIC for the TRITON.
  54 Micro Examination BASIC A multiple choice quiz written in BASIC for the 8K PET.
  64 Decimal Point BASIC A routine to format digit around a decimal point.
  64 Ski Run BASIC A simple BASIC ski run program for the UK101.
  70 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems using BASIC programs. Looking at iteration.
August 1980 15 Route Search BASIC A game written in standard BASIC in which the player collects and delivers passengers on a rail network.
  16 Photographer's Aid BASIC A PET BASIC program to calculate flsh to subject distances.
  20 Towers of Brahama BASIC A standard BASIC version of the game, Towers of Hanoi.
  27 Pea Game BASIC A version of the pea under a cup game written in BASIC for the RM 380Z.
  29 Multipurpose Records BASIC A simple database program written in BASIC for the PET.
  34 BASIC Life BASIC A version of Conway's Life game witten in BASIC for the UK101.
  40 PET Diary BASIC A BASIC program to implement a diary on the PET.
  47 CONLAN BASIC A description of the language CONLAN and the implementation in standard BASIC of a CONLAN interpreter.
  58 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems using BASIC programs. A development of a board game.
September 1980 16 TRS-80 Utility BASIC A BASIC program to poke machine code utilities into memory.
  19 Dialects in BASIC BASIC A look at Apple II BASIC.
  21 Tape File Handling BASIC A BASIC program to provide easy location of cassette tape files on the RM 380Z
  26 Alphasort BASIC A standard BASIC Bubble Sort routine.
  29 Ski Run BASIC A BASIC ski run program for the Sharp MZ-80K.
  52 Touch Typing Tutor BASIC A program to help learn touch typing written in BASIC for the Ohio Superboard and/or UK101.
  62 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems using BASIC programs. Using random numbers.
October 1980 29 Fox and Hounds BASIC A BASIC version of the game Fox and Hounds written for the PET.
  35 Space War BASIC An implementation of the game Space War written in BASIC for the Data General Nova 210 minicomputer.
  42 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems using BASIC programs. A look at hashing and permutation.
  46 Snap BASIC A BASIC version of the game Snap written for the TRS-80.
  49 Benchmarking BASIC A series of short BASIC programs which can be used to test the speed of computer systems and BASICs.
November 1980 13 Interactive Graphics BASIC Routines in BASIC to place graphics characters on the VDU screen.
  20 PET Editor BASIC A BASIC program to output a PET program listing one screen at a time.
  21 Mousetrap BASIC A BASIC implementation of the game Mousetrap written for the TRS-80.
  29 Results Plotter BASIC A BASIC program for the ITT2020 or Apple II which can be used to display graphs with correctly scaled axes.
  55 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems using BASIC programs.
December 1980 15 ZX80 Extra BASIC A BASIC routine to poke graphics characters onto the ZX80 VDU screen.
  16 One-Armed Bandit BASIC A standard BASIC implementation of a one-armed bandit game.
  20 Problem Page BASIC Solving problems using BASIC programs.
  24 Cells and Serpents BASIC A role playing adventure game written in BASIC for the NASCOM.
  32 Stock Market BASIC A stockmarket simulation game written in BASIC for the RM 380Z.
  38 NASCOM Patterns BASIC A short BASIC program to draw graphics patterns on the NASCOM VDU.
  39 Fruit Machine BASIC A TRITON BASIC implementation of a one-armed bandit game.
  52 Interactive Graphics BASIC Part 2 of the article on placing moving graphics on the PET VDU using BASIC.
  59 Double Density BASIC A BASIC program that allows double density plotting of graphics on the PET VDU.
  74 Microwriter BASIC A BASIC program for the PET which allows the input of text and allows the text to be printed on the CBM2023 printer.
  75 PET Menu BASIC Implement a cassette tape menu loading system written in BASIC for the PET.
January 1981 24 Newton's Cool BASIC A program to calculate time of death of a corpse. Two temperature readings are input and the time between them. Written in standard BASIC to work on a range of microcomputers.
  40 Problem Page BASIC A solution to the Eight Queens Problem written in standard BASIC suitable for a range of microcomputers.
  44 Interactive Graphics BASIC The final installment in the interactive graphics series. Designed to work with the PET the principles will also work on MZ-80K, RM 380Z and TRS-80. Includes a BASIC program version of Breakout along with a fast machine code graphics plotting routine.
  50 PC1211 Programs BASIC A couple of programs written for the Sharp PC1211 pocket computer/calculator. The first is a telephone call timer and coster. The second performs currency convrsions.
  58 Programming for Speed BASIC A discussion of a number of techniques which can be used to speed execution of BASIC programs
  60 Optimisation in BASIC BASIC A discussion of methods which can be used to optimise the performance of BASIC programs for the PET microcomputer.
February 1981 26 Memory Test BASIC A version of the Simon game.
  27 ZX80 Renumber BASIC A BASIC program that pokes a machine code routine into memory which, when activated, renumbers a BASIC program.
  44 Stock Car BASIC A simulation of a stock car race on the VDU.
  49 Driving Test BASIC A generic BASIC program to provide a simple multiple choice quiz to test the user's knowledge of the Highway Code and driving in general. Probably originally written on the PET.
  54 Shellsort BASIC An implementation of the Shell Sort sorting algorithm for sorting string data.
  58 Wordsquare BASIC A program to generate word squares up to 15x15 in size from a list of words typed into the computer.
  70 OXO BASIC A generic BASIC program to play noughts and crosses on the computer.
  71 Significant What? BASIC A routine to round any number to N significant figures.
March 1981 20 Bits of Boole BASIC The use of Boolean operators and Boolean algebra to shorten complex IF_ THEN _ statements.
  25 NAS Wars BASIC A space-based shootem up game where the starfighter blasts aliens.
  35 Computer Golf BASIC A standard BASIC version of the game of golf. This is text-based only.
  49 Catch BASIC Avoid getting trapped by the computer as you move aroound the screen.
  62 Power Boat BASIC A text based power boat driving game.
April 1981 50 Snakes BASIC A version of the snake game written for the Tangerine Micron.
  51 ZX80 Nim BASIC A 1K version of the game NIM.
  52 Personal Banker BASIC A simple program to keep a record of a current account bank balance.
  52 Kitchen Calculator BASIC A program to calculate the time needed to cook a joint of beef, lamb, etc.
  53 Base Changer BASIC A generic BASIC program to convert between binary and hexadecimal and vice versa.
  54 Hexdump BASIC A short program to display 104 memory locations at a time as hexadecimal numbers. The start and end addresses can be input bythe user.
  54 Bit Manipulation BASIC Handles individual bits for setting and unsetting pins on an input/output port.
  54 Graph Scaler BASIC A short routine to work out the scale for numbers on the axes of a graph for any function.
May 1981 24 Problem Solver BASIC Solving the problem of Solitaire using Vector Graphic MZ BASIC.
  25 Surround BASIC A version of the classic arcade game for the PET. Requires less than 4K of RAM.
  35 Dambuster BASIC A PET game based on dropping a bouncing bomb to destroy a dam.
  43 Interest Calculator BASIC Calculates yearly interest for savings accounts.
  43 Drawing Board BASIC A simple BASIC drawing program for the ZX80 microcomputer.
  45 Conquering Everest BASIC A simulation of an attempt to climb Mount Everest. Written in Microsoft BASIC for the NASCOM 2 microcomputer.
  51 Complex Root Solver BASIC A program to calculate and list the roots of polynomials for real coefficients. The polynomial may be of any order and the roots can be either real or complex.
  52 Record Handler Mods BASIC Modifications to the August 1980 General Purpose Records program to allow addition of information to a file.
  61 Newton's Law BASIC A program investigating the application of Newton's Law of Gravitation applied to the motion of planets. Written in standard BASIC this could be adapted to run on a range of microcomputers.
  69 Insurance Comparator BASIC A program to compare the returns from investing money in a building society account with the return from an with profits insurance policy.
June 1981 22 Mini OXO BASIC A BASIC program to play the game Noughts and Crosses (OXO) on the 1K ZX80.
  29 BBC Software BASIC The specification for the impending BBC micro with especial reference to BBC BASIC.
  38 Kingdoms BASIC A BASIC version of the game 'Kingdoms' written for a 4K ZX80 with 4K BASIC.
  43 Amazeing BASIC A maze game written in BASIC for the 8K PET.
  43 Motor Racing BASIC A BASIC driving game written for the unexpanded UK101.
July 1981 25 Maxi-Mander BASIC A generalised, validated input routine.
  38 Multicolumn Records BASIC An update to the original August 1980 program.
  52 Holocaust BASIC A tactical thermonuclear war game.
  71 Apple Skeet BASIC A shooting game to illustrate use of the Apple graphics screen.
August 1981 09 Bug Bytes BASIC Missing section of Holocaust program.
  17 Elemental Analysis BASIC Helps to calculate % composition and molecular formulae of compounds.
  61 6502 Programming Course BASIC The final part of the series presents a simple 6502 assembler written in BASIC .
  74 Crystal Ball BASIC A simple numerological crystal ball character assessment game.
  75 Area Calculator BASIC Calculates the area inside a polygon.
September 1981 32 Gladiators BASIC A combat routine intended for use in text-based adventure programs.
  44 Disc Purge BASIC A BASIC utility to delete all non-system files from a TRS-80 DOS disk.
  52 Pools Prediction BASIC Part one of a program which attempts to predict football results for use with the football pools.
  59 Colour Cube BASIC A program to produce a 3D version of a Rubik's Cube on the DAI graphics screen.
  78 Morse Trainer BASIC A program to produce Morse Code at up to 12 words per minute to help prepare for the Class A Radio Amateur Examination.
October 1981 16 Text Compression BASIC Methods of coding text to increase available storage capacity for adventure games, etc.
  21 Pools Prediction BASIC Part two of the Pools Prediction program with the full BASIC listing.
  51 Fox and Hen BASIC A simple logic program based around whather a Fox can gain access to a Hen in a field and eat it.
  52 Figure Format BASIC A routine to format decimal numbers on the screen.
  57 BASIC Upgrade XtalBASIC Adding extensions to the XtalBASIC programming language.
  67 Atomic Practice BASIC A guide to some hidden features of the Acorn Atom.
November 1981 30 Digitalker Special Report BASIC An in-depth look at the National Semiconductor Digitalker speech system.
  48 Programming Languages Lab BASIC A look at Lab BASIC designed for control and monitoring applications on a range of microcomputers.
  82 Heavenly Bodies BASIC A program to produce a simulation of the night sky.
December 1981 021 Cross Hatcher BASIC A program which can be used to set up the Dai monitor/TV display.
  021 NASCOM Memory Display BASIC A BASIC program to display on screen the contents of any part of the NASCOM memory.
  033 Statistically Speaking BASIC A simple statistical utility package.
  039 Number Crunching BASIC Using Reverse Polish Notation for calculations on the Commodore PET.
  046 Pelmanism BASIC A version of the classic memory game.
  054 'Scope Simulation BASIC A full simulation of a digital storage oscilloscope on the Commodoe PET fitted with a PIC chip.
  091 First Bytes BASIC A beginner's guide to programming in BASIC. Inputting data.
  096 Data Packing BASIC A description of routines used to compact data for saving on the TRS-80 cassette filing system.
January 1982 031 Leapfrog BASIC The design and implementation of the logical coin game.
  037 PC1211 Programming BASIC How to get the most out of the Sharp PC1211 hand-held computer.
  053 First Bytes BASIC A series for first time programmers of BASIC; FOR .. NEXT .. loops.
  092 The White Barrows BASIC A logical dungeon adventure game written in BASIC for the Acorn Atom computer.
February 1982 28 Telesoftware Explained BASIC A description and explanation of the PRESTEL Telesoftware system.
  33 Using Apple's Graphics BASIC An explanation ow the Apple II graphics modes and how to use them.
  48 Using Tandy's Graphics BASIC How to use the graphics on the TRS-80 and Video Genie computers.
  67 The Enigma BASIC A program to turn the ZX81 into an Enigma-style coding machine.
  85 First Bytes BASIC A beginner's guide to programming in BASIC; DATA and READ.
March 1982 080 Posters BASIC-80 A program to produce giant characters on a dot-matrix printer.
April 1982 22 Interpreters BASIC A description of how BASIC interpreters work.
  41 First Bytes BASIC Conditional statements in BASIC.
  51 The Valley BASIC A real time graphical adventure game written in BASIC for the 32K PET.
May 1982 22 Reflections BASIC Using symmetry to create complex graphics on the Apple II computer.
  49 Tipping the Balance BASIC A review of the HP-83 computer system and peripherals.
  57 Compilers BASIC A review of a BASIC compiler for the TRS-80 computer.
  64 First Bytes BASIC A beginner's guide to BASIC programming; trapping errors.
  83 The Valley BASIC Notes on how to convert the Valley Adventure program to run on a TRS-80 computer.
June 1982 20 Two-Pass Assembler BASIC A two-pass assembler for 6502 machine code written in BASIC for the Commodore PET 32K.
  33 Reflections BASIC The construction of border graphics on the Apple II computer in BASIC.
  67 Simulating FORTH BASIC A FORTH emulator for the TRS-80 computer, written in BASIC.
  83 First Bytes BASIC A look at string handling for beginners in programming in BASIC.
July 1982 39 Two for One BASIC Two small game programs for the ZX81 written in BASIC. The games are Slalom and Bomber.
  49 BBC Programming BASIC A look at programming the BBC micro's graphics.
  60 Target BASIC A simple shooting game written in BASIC for the Micron computer.
  72 Puzzle Square BASIC A game in which the player has to re-arrange numbered squares to get them into the correct sequence. Written in standard BASIC in 4K,
  78 Reflections BASIC The final part of the Apple II graphics series looks at Tesselations.
  85 First Bytes BASIC The final episode of the BASIC programming for beginners series looks at arrays.
August 1982 24 Elegant Programming BASIC A discussion of techniques that can be used to write elegant BASIC programs.
  30 Casio Convoy BASIC A ship convoy game for the Casio FX-720P handheld computer.
  31 Easter BASIC A program to calculate when Easter is written in BASIC for the TRS-80.
  34 Reflections BASIC A description of using advanced graphics and bezier curves in BASIC.
  45 Valley Variations BASIC Additions to the Valley adventure game.
  49 The Art of Data Storage BASIC A look at storing data on cassettes and floppy discs.
  81 Case Convertor BASIC A short BASIC program to convert lower case letters to upper case on the TRS-80.
  81 DAIED BASIC A short BASIC program to produce simple colour patterns on the DAI 48K screen.
September 1982 20 A Fair Deal BASIC A program to generate randomly dealt bridge hands on a RM 380Z computer in BASIC.
  34 Elegant Programming BASIC Part two of a series about producing elegantly written BASIC programs.
  40 A Clubhouse Special BASIC A Golf Game written in BASIC for the 8K UK101 computer with a CEGMON monitor and a 32 x 48 screen.
  57 Quiz Time BASIC A test program written in BASIC for the Commodore PET.
  75 The Art of Data Storage BASIC Efficiently coding numbers for storage on tape for a TRS-80 computer.
  82 Tape Indexer BASIC An indexing method for storing programs sequentially on tape.
October 1982 20 Systems Simulation BASIC Program development on the TRS-80 computer in BASIC.
  62 Buffered Programming BASIC Using the keyboard buffer on the Commodore PET to enter commands and programs under program control.
  72 Data Storage BASIC The final part of how to store data of different types on tape for a TRS-80 computer.
  78 Subroutine Library BASIC Building a library of useful BASIC programming routines.
  84 Elegant Programming BASIC Finding bugs in programs.
November 1982 39 Program Development BASIC A description of ways to thoroughly test a program.
  92 Elegant Programming BASIC A look at the use of random numbers in programming.
December 1982 20 BBC Programming BASIC Programming sound on the BBC micro in BASIC.
  33 ZX Connect BASIC A Connect 4 game for a Sinclair ZX80 computer with 2K.
  45 Elegant Programming BASIC Writing structured programs.
  62 3D Animation BASIC Using colour switching to create 3D-Animation sequences.
  76 Game Times BASIC A multiplication tutor for the Sinclair ZX81 computer.
January 1983 33 PEEK and POKE Explained BASIC Using PEEK and POKE to produce simple moving graphics using BASIC.
  57 Elegant Programming BASIC Methods to use to structure different data types.
  70 VIC Blow Up BASIC A BASIC program to enlarge characters x8 for the Commodore VIC-20 computer.
  88 Kepler's Revenge BASIC A BASIC program to show the motions of the planets in our solar system written for the BBC micro.
February 1983 45 Elegant Programming BASIC A look at using graphics from BASIC.
  60 Tailoring VIC's Characters BASIC A BASIC utility program for the VIC-20 to allow the creation of user-defined characters.
  74 PEEK and POKE Explained BASIC Using PEEK and POKE to load programs into BASIC.
March 1983 28 Elegant Programming BASIC Sorting and searching methods examined.
  45 Peeking the Spectrum BASIC How to PEEK the ZX Spectrum's memory.
  49 Into Atari's BASIC BASIC An in-depth look at the workings of Atari BASIC.
April 1983 38 Extensions to The Valley BASIC Further additions and variations on the Valley adventure game. Includes modifications for the BBC micro and Sinclair Spectrum.
  73 A Micro Database BASIC A simple database written in BASIC for the TRS-80.
  81 Elegant Programming BASIC Techniques for elegant programming in BASIC. Looks at recursion.
May 1983 20 Into Atari's BASIC BASIC A renumbering program and a self-modifying program both written in Atari BASIC.
  61 A micro Database BASIC Part two of the simple database program written in BASIC for the TRS-80.
June 1983 34 Tube Cube BASIC A BASIC program for the ZX Spectrum to solve Rubik's Cubes.
  69 Indexer BASIC Using a computer to make alphabetical lists for various applications. Written in BASIC for the TRS-80.
July 1983 17 Atari Renumber BASIC A renumber routine for Atari BASIC. Written in Atari BASIC.
  32 Bomb Proof Tandy BASIC BASIC validation routines for the TRS-80.
  44 Languages in Use BASIC Drawing three dimensional graphics in BASIC.
  52 Vic Format Convertor BASIC A BASIC program to format a listing of a BASIC program using the Computing Today listing codes.
August 1983 46 Problem Page BASIC Solving prime number problems on the ZX Spectrum in BASIC.
September 1983 48 Backgammon BASIC An implementation of the game, Backgammon, in BASIC for the ZX81.
  48 BBC String Store BASIC How to store strings in BBC BASIC to reduce storage space needed.
  52 Planetfall BASIC A space trading game written in BASIC for the Sharp MZ-80K.
  57 Character Generator BASIC A character designer for the Dragon 32 computer written in BASIC.
October 1983 19 Slingshot BASIC A space combat simulation written in BASIC for the Gemini 801 computer system.
  57 Z80 Disassembler BASIC A disassembler for the Z80 microprocessor written in BASIC for the NASCOM 2 computer.
  62 Problem Page BASIC A look at problem-solving using a computer.
  65 A Better TRSDOS BASIC A series of patches written in BASIC to improve the performance of TRSDOS 2.3 for the TRS-80 computer.
November 1983 18 BBC Word Processor BASIC A word processing package written in BASIC for the BBC micro.
  92 Tape Append Routine BASIC A guide to appending tape files on the Commodore PET.
December 1983 22 Dragon Graphicks BASIC A screen drawing program written for the Dragon 32 in BASIC.
  45 Writing Adventures Part 2 BASIC Part 2 of the supplement on writing adventure games.
  67 Curve Fitting BASIC A procedure to calculate an equation which best fits a set of data points. Written for the ZX Spectrum in BASIC.
  71 BBC Touch Typing Tutor BASIC A Touch Typing utor written in BASIC for the BBC micro.
  76 Problem Page BASIC Part 5 of the problem-solving series looks at sorting items into sets.
January 1984 18 Getting More from the 64 Part 2 BASIC Using the high resolution graphics screen on the Commodore 64.
  52 Problem Page BASIC Creating Magic Squares in BASIC
  55 Atari Disc Library BASIC A BASIC program which will create a cumulative catalogue of disc files forAtari computers.
  76 Make a Date BASIC A standard BASIC program to create various calendars.
February 1984 15 Using Epson MX-80 Graphics BASIC BASIC graphics routines for the Epson MX-80 printer written in TRS-80 BASIC.
  44 Non-Random Random Numbers BASIC A program that generates predictable sequences of pseudo-random numbers which can be used to test programs that rely on random numbers
  59 Two PET Utilities BASIC A PRINT USING utility for the Commodore PET written in BASIC and a method of preventing BASIC programs from being LISTed.
March 1984 31 BBC Poker BASIC A Poker game simulation for the BBC micro written in BASIC.
April 1984 44 Poker BASIC A Poker game simulation for the BBC micro written in BASIC. How the game works.
  51 Genie Commands BASIC A machine code routine for the Video Genie. The routine, VGBAS1, adds structured BASIC commands.
May 1984 16 Easycode Part 3 BASIC Adding a small assembler and disassembler to the Easycode language.
  25 Debugging BASIC Help with using debugging techniques when your BASIC program will not work.
June 1984 28 Beebug's Toolkit BASIC A review of Beebug's Toolkit ROM for the BBC micro, a BASIC programmaer's assistant.
July 1984 52 The Art of Islam BASIC A discussion of the graphics capabilities of the BBC micro and the Apple II computers with a focus on Islamic designs.
  72 A Fast Sort BASIC A discussion of a BBC BASIC program of a version of the Quicksort routine.
  75 Dragon Hints on Tints BASIC A look at generating extra hues for the Dragon colour screen.
  79 Random Thoughts BASIC A look at BASIC programs for generating random numbers which fit various statistical distributions.
August 1984 23 MODE 7 Screen Editor BASIC A program to allow the editing of text and graphics on the MODE 7 screen of the BBC micro.
  36 Microdrive File Line Editor BASIC A data file editing facility for microdrives on the ZX Spectrum computer
  60 Finding and Keeping BASIC A BBC BASIC program to organise collections of things such as stamps.
September 1984 36 All Sorts of Sort BASIC A description of various sort routines and example standard BASIC programs to carry them out.
  41 Beeb Disassembler BASIC A BBC BASIC program to disassemble and/or detokenise a BASIC program and to format the output correctly.
  60 M BASIC Data Entry MBASIC A program written in MBASIC 5 for CP/M machines which will facilitate data entry.
October 1984 39 Atari Antics BASIC Part 1 of a series looking at player missile graphics on the Atari 400 or 800 computers.
  46 BBC Draughts BASIC Programming a computer vs human draughts game into the BBC microcomputer.
December 1984 38 BBC Draw BASIC A simple graphics program to produce MODE 2 art and save the finished screens.
  41 Art and the Amstrad BASIC Two simple graphics subroutines for the Amstrad CPC-64 computer.
January 1985 067 Number Crunching BASIC How to write a compiler for Reverse Polish Notation in 6502 machine code.
  16 Commodities BASIC A simulation of investing in the Stockmarket written for the BBC micro.
February 1985 14 Deficiency, Abundance, Perfection BASIC A look at experimental and recreational mathematics.
  23 Inside BASIC: 1 BASIC Part one of a series examining the work of the BASIC interpreter.
  29 Magazine Article Index BASIC A BASIC program for the BBC micro computer to help organise a magazine collection and index the articles.
  48 Benchmarks BASIC A description of a series of BASIC benchmarks for comparing computer systems.
  56 TRS-80 Mail List BASIC A BASIC program for the TRS-80 to allow the production of mail-shots.
March 1985 31 Averages and Trends BASIC Implementing some statistical techniques on computers.
  34 Ladder Logic BASIC A program for implementing ladder logic control processes on a BBC microcomputer.
  48 Inside BASIC: 2 BASIC Looking at the inner workings of the BASIC interpreter. An examination of floating point routines.
  51 Macro1 BASIC A program to provide a MACRO directive for the Z80 card for the Apple II computer.
  54 Algorithm Angles BASIC A look at developing trigonometry algorithms for computer programs.
  58 Amstrad Letter Writer BASIC A simple word processor for the Amstrad CPC 464 computer.
April 1985 21 Write Your Own Spellcheck BASIC Providing the detail and gudance necessary to write a computer spellchecker.
  25 Algorithm Angles BASIC More algorithms for your micro.
  52 Macro 2 MBASIC80 Assembler Some examples of using macros in the MBASIC80 Assembler.
  57 The Sound of Music BASIC The science behind the art of computer music on the Amstrad CPC 464 computer.
  68 Graphics, Turtles, Recursion BASIC Ways in which the Sinclair QL graohics features may be used from BASIC.
  76 Ten Commandments BASIC Ten rules to follow when using sound on the Amstrad CPC 464 from BASIC.
May 1985 34 BBC Text Editor BASIC A modest text editing program for the BBC microcomputer.
  37 Every Picture BASIC Representing information in pictorial form on the BBC microcomputer in BASIC.
  47 More I/O BASIC How to use a 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface to provide an external keyboard for the Sharp MZ80K computer.
June 1985 51 Algorithm Angles BASIC Coming to grips with some common statistics functions.
July 1985 26 Cribbage Player BASIC Part 1 of a series developing a Cribbage playing program for the BBC micro and Amstrad CPC464.
  31 Algorithm Angles BASIC Puzzle solving algorithms.
  34 Trapping Zeros BASIC Trapping the No Room error on the BBC micro.
  56 Clubfile BASIC A filing system/database for Atari micros.
August 1985 20 Cribbage Player BASIC Part 2 of the cribbage game player.
  32 The Nature of Computer Graphics BASIC Part 1 of the series looking at the use of matrices in transforming graphics coordinates.
September 1985 30 Cribbage Player BASIC Part 3 of the cribbage game player.
  36 Programming for Speed and Reliability BASIC A look at programming disc access and data structures.
October 1985 09 Hashing BASIC How to hash record keys into a data file for rapid direct access.
  12 Getting Good Graphics BASIC A basic graphics design program for the BBC micro.
  18 Genie Adjustments BASIC Converting tape-based sprite programs to run on a disk-based Video Genie system.
  23 Algorithm Angles BASIC A personal view of writing algorithms on the BBC micro. NB: recursion is possible in BBC BASIC.
  26 Adding BASIC Commands Xtal BASIC Adding extra BASIC commands to the Tatung Einstein.
  44 The Nature of Computer Graphics BASIC Part 2 of the series looking at the use of matrices in transforming graphics coordinates.


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